Slew Footers Podcast: Pens-Flyers, Devil’s Advocate, Playoff Beards

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Here you go you filthy savages.

We talk Pirates predictions, Pens-Flyers and the brasketball playoffs.

Turn it up, probably. Our producer is a drunk.

Related posts:

  1. Slew Footers Podcast 2: Sidnus Crimsby, Steelers, Barbecue Sauce
  2. 2012 Stanley Cup Playoffs: Pens-Flyers RS Records Moot
  3. 2012 Stanley Cup Playoffs: Pens-Flyers a Special Teams Affair
  4. Welcome to Slew Footers
  5. Pens-Flyers: Pittsburgh Trends Heading Into Playoffs

About James Conley

James is a graduate of Pitt with a degree in writing. He follows the Penguins and NHL semi-compulsively and is only moderately proficient with the English language. He is personally unpleasant. Berate him on Twitter @Slew_James